
In the religion of Islam, the Pilgrimage is not undertaken to the shrines of saints, to monasteries for assist from holy men. In the exact spirit, the Pilgrimage is made to the Holy Kaaba, housed in the sacred city of Makkah in Saudi Arabia, the House of the ALLAH Almighty, the Prophet Ibraheem (AS) built it for the worship of the ALLAH Almighty. In essence honouring it, and by making it the devotional central point which all Muslims face towards Holy Kaaba (Qibla) when offering the prayers. The rites of pilgrimage are performed in the present day exactly as made by Hazrat Ibraheem (AS), and after him by Prophet Muhammad, PUBH.

The merits and different rites performed in the Umrah are much similar the Hajj but not all, the fifth of the 5 obligatory fundamental Muslim practices. The Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) is the fifth of the primary Muslim obligation and institutions well-known as the five pillars of Islam. The Umrah is viewed as a particularly commendable activity. It serves as an absolution the forgiveness for sins, devotion, and strong spirituality. The Umrah, a visit and Mini or lesser pilgrimage to the Makkah, the most holy city in Islam, is not compulsive to perform of all physically and financially capable Muslims in their life. The Umrah is a manifestation of the belief in the unity of ALLAH Almighty and all the pilgrims worship (ibadat ) and obey the directions of the One God that is, the ALLAH Almighty. Uttering the sacred words well-known as Talbiyah, the Muslims are presented in the service of ALLAH Almighty, and the Almighty forgives them for their sins.

During the Umrah, the simple garb of Ihram signifies the equality of all humankind in the sight of the ALLAH Almighty, and the removal of all worldly affections. After entering into the state of Ihram, the pilgrim proceeds to city Makkah and begin their Umrah by entering in the Haram. The pilgrim visits the sacred places outside Makkah, which includes: the Arafat, Muzdalifah, and Mina, they also visits the specific pillars in the Mina. The rituals also involve walking 7 times around the Holy Kaaba, in the city Makkah, and walking and running, 7 times between the two small hills of the Safa and the Marwa .

The minor or lesser pilgrimage or the Umrah is undertaken by Muslims during any time of the year. Performing the Umrah although, does not fulfil the obligation of Hajj, yet is akin to the most important and an obligatory Islamic pilgrimage, and pilgrims have the choice of performing the Umrah alone or in combination with the Hajj.

May ALLAH Almighty give us the chance to visit Holy Kaaba to perform Hajj and Umrah. Ameen. is one of the authorized Hajj and Umrah travel agent based in UK offers a range of Cheap Umrah 2017 Packages from UK.